Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tamil movie ANTHONY YAAR 2009 Watch tollywood & download Free,Wallpapers, movie review & cast and crew and trailers online

Anthony Yaar
(Tamil) Movie

General Release Date: 01 Aug 2009
Running Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes,
Distributor: Five Star
Cast: Shaam,Mallika Kapoor,Lal
Director: Pandi C T
Music Director: Deena
Language: Tamil

After playing a soft hero in many movies, Shaam now ventures to do a rough and tough fishermans role in Anthony Yaar.

The movie is being produced by Annam Films International in association with Mukund Productions. Directed by C T Pandi, Mallika Kapoor plays Shaams heroine.

Says the director, Recently, we shot a few important scenes on the shores near Nagercoil. We created a fishermens hamlet. Mallika Kapoor, who visits the hamlet, falls in love with Shaam. There are enough twists and turns in the movie leading to a thrilling climax.

Anthony Yaar? film narrates the tale of a baby who was abandoned in a boat by the seashore, close to a fishing hamlet. The baby is adopted by the church nearby and he grows up under the care of the priest there. He becomes one in the village, joins the men for fishing and shows very little interest in studies. Good at heart and hard working, he provides much needed help to many people in and around the hamlet.

Mallika Kapur is a young college student from a wealthy family. While researching the lives of fishermen she comes across Shaam and is instantly attracted to this man with a heart of gold. But, her family is expectedly dead against her wishes and they try to finish off Shaam forever. Does that happen? Is he killed, does he come back?.

It really makes us doubted whether Shaam has gone scatter-brained on choosing flimsy scripts. He had a great break through on his Telugu movie 'Kick'. But still, here's a film that will wash off his earned reputation. 'Antony Yaar' is a film that portrays him in the role of a savior of fisherman community who fights against the baddies. There isn't anything appreciative about the film and here goes the synopsis.

The film centers on Antony (Shaam) an orphan by birth being raised by the church father (Rajesh). He dwells one amongst the fisherman community across the seashores and their area is owned by Michael (Director Lal), a ruffian. The entire film is about Antony getting ahead seeking for justice of innocent fisherman who is always troubled by Michael.

So, what happens next? Watch the pathetic results on the screens if you can...

As mentioned earlier, the film has nothing in special to speak about. Shaam can better keep away from such films if he wants to survive in film industry. Malikka Kapoor has lost her charm in debut film and she has nothing to do here. Vivek indeed tries his level best in entertaining the audiences with comedy tracks. But that doesn't exceed your expectations and never help saving the ship from sinking.

None of the technical aspects are convincing. Songs are not worthy heeding to and cinematographer is so amateurish.

On the whole, 'Antony Yaar' is a film that has no probabilities of surviving at box office.

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