Thursday, September 3, 2009

Online Watch Where Got Ghost? Mandarin Movie Download Review Cast Crew

Where Got Ghost? (English / Mandarin)

Cast & Crew

Release Date: 10th September 2009
Language: English / Mandarin
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Starring: Jack Neo, Henry Thia, Mark Lee, Marcus Chin, Richard Low, John
Cheng, Tay Yin Yin, Wang Lei, Lai Ming

Directed by: Jack Neo
Local Distributor: Grand Brilliance

Movie Plot

WHERE GOT GHOST? is a horror-comedy, comprising of 3 horror tales (Roadside Got Ghost, Forest Got Ghost and House Got Ghost) told in a good old comedy fashion.

For once, forget all the big movies that are currently playing at your cinema and try switching to Jack Neo's latest "Where Got Ghost?" because this three-part storytelling isn't something as confusing as one would think. Instead each story is told in its own, complete and standalone way.

If comparing to horror movie spoofs like "Scary Movie," this Singaporean addition is best described as funny, entertaining and tear-jerking at the same time. Being labelled as the new "hor-medy" (horror comedy), "Where Got Ghost" tells three different stories with three different meanings and moral values. Isn't moral values an essential part of Jack Neo movies? The uniqueness in presenting each plot is one of the many commendable aspects.

In this new release, there are plenty of CGI, especially those in "too gory" scenes. The good ghostly effects seem to hide the fact this is just a project from Singapore and not a multi-million Hollywood blockbuster. Goosebumps are in order! You laugh when you're supposed to laugh and you get scared when you're supposed to be scared.

Of the three segments in this movie, the one that stands out is "Forest Got Ghost". An online search will tell you that the director and his crew actually encountered spooky incidents while shooting this part in the forest. Strange graphics began to appear on their shooting equipment while damages to machines also make up a pretty unforgettable night for the crew.

Perhaps what you'd least expect from this movie is that younger children will also enjoy it as much as adults. Simply listen to the sound of laughter around you when any ghostly apparition appears on the screen. You'd say that "Where Got Ghost" is definitely an interesting way of telling horror stories to the general public. Check it out whenever you're ready for the experience.
Director Jack Neo breaks new ground with new horror-comedy "Where Got Ghost?" releasing in Malaysia 10 Sept and Singapore 13 Aug.

16 Jul – Industrious Singaporean director Jack Neo is about to release what is hoped to be another box office wonder for audiences on both sides of the Causeway – a horror-comedy in Mandarin, English and Hokkien, titled "Where Got Ghost?"

The celebrated 49-year-old filmmaker, who was behind regional commercial successes such as "Ah Long Pte Ltd", "Love Matters", "Money No Enough" and "I Not Stupid", told Cinema Online earlier in February this year: "...we have all seen horror films from Korea, Japan and Malaysia, and we can stereotype how their ghosts commonly look like - but how would a Singaporean ghost appear? Now that's something refreshing for the audience to look forward to!"

"Where Got Ghost?" is described in press releases and production notes provided by its Malaysian film distributor Primeworks Studios and Singaporean film distributor as "an estimated 100-minute long 3-in-1 horror-comedy with segments titled Roadside Got Ghost, House Got Ghost and Forest Got Ghost."

Director Jack Neo may be the biggest draw at Singapore’s box-office, but that does not mean he’s one of the best. Instead of honing his skills over the years, his films have only gotten sloppier, lazier and more self-satisfied. Last year’s Ah Long Pte Ltd and Money No Enough 2 were haphazard to say the least, and this year’s Love Matters marked another low. That Singapore heartlanders continue to flock to his movies says a lot about the reputation he’s built after years of performing TV skits.

His newest horror comedy Where Got Ghost? is somewhat better than those three, but it’s still crudely made. It comprises three short stories titled Roadside Got Ghost, Forest Got Ghost and House Got Ghost, and stars the most well-known male comedians on Singapore TV.

In the first story Roadside Got Ghost, Richard Low plays a conman who uses a fake hotline to trick people into giving up their lottery winnings to him. But when a ghost comes calling, he dismisses it as a prank call. Of course, it’s the ghost who gets the last good laugh. Well, someone should… since no one at the media screening found much to laugh at here.

The second story is somewhat better. Forest Got Ghost stars Wang Lei and Ah Nan as two reservist soldiers who meet a ghost in the jungle after deviating from their supposed route. This story has a few creepy bits and some good laughs. But it is so long-winded that the long dull bits ultimately drown out the best bits. Is it so hard to find a good editor?

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