Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Online Watch The Jailhouse Hollywood Movie Download Review Cast Crew

The Jailhouse English Movie

Horror Movie
Cast & Crew
Actor: Brandon Luck, Billy Lewis
Director: Billy Lewis
Producer: Ryan Mcinnis, Brandon Luck, Brandon Luck, Billy Lewis, Billy Lewis, Heath Franklin
Art Director: Brody Docar
Cinematographer: Joe Stauffer
Composer: Alex Beard
Editor: Joe Stauffer
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Release Date: October 30, 2009
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Distributor: 3L Productions
The Jailhouse

The Jailhouse Synopsis :

The old jailhouse in Colton, North Carolina hasn’t been in use in over 30 years. Throughout the 1900’s a jailer and his family would occupy the first-floor living quarters while hardened criminals loomed on the second floor. Fast forward to 2006, the Colton Sheriff allows new deputy Seth Delray (C Thomas Howell) and his family to live rent-free at the old jailhouse while their new house is being remodeled. Soon after a fire at the current jail forces inmates out and the Sheriff makes the tough decision to place 6 inmates back at the old jailhouse. Within a matter of days Seth Delray’s life will change forever.Watch online Movie Trailer free The Jailhouse Hollywood film.The film Directed by Billy Lewis .

Small town, the American dream. A blue-collar family living the idyllic rural lifestyle. Nothing is out of place save for the lacking white picket fence - and the old JAIL that occupies the 2nd floor of their century-old home. Seth Delray knew the possibilities before he moved his wife and two kids into the old jailhouse, but the Sheriff assured him that it would take an act of God to put that place back into service. Times were tight, and it was just too good of a deal to refuse. That is, until the county jail caught fire. The Sheriff's hands were tied and he had to put displaced inmates anywhere he could find iron bars with a locking door. The Delray house was his only option. For Seth the worst wasn't the criminals locked like animals in the soiled cages above his living room. It was the mortal fear in his children's eyes, it was the piercing cold looks from his wife. It was that deep, dark creeping recognition that something had happened there, something terrible, something that would grip his soul with hundred year old hands squeezing hate from unknown depths. No longer did the birds sing upon the morning lit branches beyond the barred windows of the old jailhouse. No one could know the confinement of such a place and the horror it brings... the bleak hopelessness of one without freedom... ...the inescapable iron bars of guilt and regret into which revenge imprisons a man's mind.

The Jailhouse

The Jailhouse Hollywood Movie Review

This movie really does make me go bananas. The premise is set up nicely and lays out the absurd plot of living with inmates rather cleanly. Director Billy Lewis also is very adept at the camera, and is able to provide nice zoom shots, old school “nickelodeon” style flashback sequences and interesting angle shots that liven up the festivities, even when there is no action on screen. C. Thomas Howell also knocks it out of the park as a possessed (?) new deputy who dispenses a little old school justice on the inmate inhabitants of his home, but that is essentially where the good ends. The plot, borrowing from THE AMITYVILLE HORROR in a few basic ways, is very thin and barely laid out in the film. Nothing is ever really laid out for you after the initial setup. Inmates go into their cells, Seth goes nuts immediately, inmates start to go missing, and so on. The other cops in the movie are very inept and slow-witted, even the Sheriff. The inmates, led by Stark (Rey Valentin), leave virtually no impression and make some truly dumbfounded moves (Why does Maddy only slightly slice Seth when she had all day to plunge that knife square in his head?). For an 86 minute movie, the pace tends to lag and drag due to the lack of background on the house and its previous inhabitants. The movie might have worked if details were explained or at least strongly hinted at, but then the ending essentially wrecked that possibility. I will not spoil it for people who want to see this film but let me tell you, for a movie that gives very little character or plot details through out, it certainly lays it on thick at the last minute. To be brief, the movie dumps a chunk of plot and character details in the last few minutes, and the movie, what good parts it had, was undone by the lame “twist” ending. It screams last minute rewrite (not to mention borrowing elements from the movie STAY with Ewan McGregor)


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