Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Online Watch French Comedy Drama Superhit Movie Gamines Download Free Trailer Review Cast Crew

French Comedy Drama Movie
Gamines 2010

Cast And Crew

Full Cast : Lubna Azabal,Marc Barbé ,Amira Casar ,Raphaële Germser ,
Laurence Cordier ,Zoé Duthion ,Sophie Guillemin ,
Jean-Pierre Martins ,Élise tzenberger ,Sylvie Testud

Director: Eleonore Faucher
Date Opening : 13 Janvier 2010
Genre : Comédie dramatique
Langue originale : Français | Enfants admis|French
Runtime: 107 min

Gamines French Movie Plot:

Lyon, France in 1970s, Sibylle, Corinne, and Georgette are sisters who share everything, as they live with their Italian mother. Sibylle is the only blonde in the family, except for their father who abandoned them, and she feels isolated. She dreams of meeting her French father one day.Watchonline Movie Trailer free Gamines French film.The film Directed by Eleonore Faucher .
J'aime pas qu'on me plaigne. Je préfère rigoler.
Devant les mines compatissantes, je réponds depuis trente ans : "Je n'ai pas de père, mais je m'en fiche, c'est comme ça. J'ai une photo." J'ai aussi deux soeurs, et une mère italienne... mais attention... interdit de parler de "lui" devant "elle"... Ça déclencherait une éruption volcanique. Car le volcan, il paraît, n'est pas encore éteint. Je crois que c'est un peu à cause de ma figure. La même que lui. Quand ils me voient rigoler, dans la famille, ils disent : "C'est son portrait craché." Et ma mère est à la fois triste et fière. Elle est fière parce que je suis blonde comme lui, alors qu'ils sont tous bruns. Mais moi je préférerais être comme eux. C'est pour ça, que je fais des conneries comme les mecs, pour leur ressembler, pour être plus italienne qu'eux. Des conneries d'artiste, comme dit mon parrain. Je suis sa préférée. Et lui aussi, c'est mon préféré. Mais j'aimerais bien le voir en vrai, le type de la photo, un jour, quand même. Seulement il paraît qu'il est dangereux. Qu'il est fou...

Gamines French Film Review :

First I have to admit I was, initially, reluctant to go and watch this movie, as I have not read the original book, and I feared the plot would be too sweet and sentimental. But at the end of the screening, I felt a real enthusiasm that I would like to share here This film takes place in France during the 60's, and tells the story of a single mother with 3 preteen girls. This mother is an Italian who long-studied and now works hard in a layer office, doing her best to succeed more than the typical migrant, and give a good life to her daughters.
During the mother's long days of work, the girls are going to the public school or spending the rest of their days at home, home-working or imagining what happened to their father and why he disappeared.

All the girls know from this man is that, from time to time, he is coming to their house, knocking loudly on the door, shooting to their mother to open and talk to him. Is their
father crazy? Did he leave, or did her mother threw him away? When looking at the old family photos, the couple was looking so happy... what happened?
You will have to go to the theater to learn about those 3 formidable girls, her mother, and the unknown man.
This film is lifted by its delicate image quality, and its subtle depiction of the complex relations in a family. Additionaly, the scenarist and director did a very fine job to describe how the Italian immigrants were perceived in France during the sixties.
But, most of all, I was really moved by the figure of this Italian mother, which is leaving a weak man she still loves, to make sure her daughters will have a better life.
Both young and adult actresses did a great job, while Jean-Pierre Martins perfectly characterized the overprotective yet loving godfather.

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