Monday, February 1, 2010

Watch Online Free ‘Until the Light Takes Us' English Movie | Download Hollywood Movie 'Until the Light Takes Us' Review

Until the Light Takes Us English Movie 2009
Documentary Movie
Cast And Crew

Starring: Varg Vikernes, Fenriz,Hellhammer ,Harmony Korine
Producer : Audrey Ewell, Aaron Aites
Directo : Aaron Aites, Audrey Ewell
Writer : Aaron Aites, Audrey Ewell
Genre: Documentary
Release Date: December 4, 2009
Studio: Variance Films
Run Time: 93 minutes

Movie Plot

This documentary takes a fascinating look at the underground anti-consumerist metal scene that gained popularity in Norway in the 1990s. Led by the messages of bands from the black metal scene, members of the movement eventually followed alleged leader Varg Vikernes to commit such violent acts as burning churches all over the country. Encouraged by fabricated accounts of outlandish and even supernatural activity, members of the movement eventually turned fiction into reality, creating a firestorm of controversy and bringing the stuff of urban legends into the history books Watch online Movie Trailer free Until the Light Takes Us English Hollywood film.The film Producer by Audrey Ewell, Aaron Aites .

Until the Light Takes Us Hollywood Movie Review:

If you're a heavy metal fan, you're probably fascinated by the Norwegian branch of the movement and its social and musical mayhem. In Norway, heavy metal musicians stand accused of murdering fans and each other, and of burning churches to the ground in acts of pagan or satanic savagery.

Directors Audrey Ewell and Aaron Aites spent two years in Norway -- more specifically in Oslo and Bergen -- to follow the most famous and controversial members of Norway's heavy metal crew, and approach the movement and music from the perspective of those who make the music and live the lifestyle.
Until the Light Takes Us tracks the deafening sounds and shocking anti-social behavior of the clan who stand against their country's behavioral norms and cultural traditions.
Featured in the film, Gylve "Fenriz" Nagell, Varg Vikernes, Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg, Kjetil "Frost" Haraldstad, Ivar Bjornson, Abbath and Demonaz Doom Occulta, Kris "Garm" Rygg, Bjarne Melgaard and other heavy metal heavies speak out about their mores and aesthetics. Their comments are direct and brashly negative about virtually everything.

Underlying the impressions and information that are presented through the director's observational style are questions about the point at which the heavy metal style, which expresses the nihilistic attitude of musicians and fans, leads to actual physical acts of violence against other people and social institutions. The film presents the answers to those questions from the musicians's points of view, but it's never quite clear whether the documentary is intended to be a niche-oriented expression for heavy metal fans or an expose that reveals the roots of the metal movement's relationship to Norwegian society at large. Still, the archival footage is interesting and the interviews are engaging.
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