English Comedy Movie The Loneliest Road in America 2010
Cast And Crew
Cast : Colin Michael Day,Chris Hayes,
Abby Swagart,Jennifer Devereaux
,saiah Musik-Ayala
Director: Mardana M. Mayginnes
Writers:Mardana M. Mayginnes (writer) and Alexander H. Malt
Studio:Loneliest Road Productions
Genre:Comedy, Drama, Western
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Release Date:March 30th, 2010
On the road trip of his life, Jamie learns how to exploit women as a corporation would a resource.free The Loneliest Road in America English Hollywood Film The film Directed by Mardana M. Mayginnes
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The Loneliest Road in America English Film Synopsis :
Jamie (Colin Michael Day) is disillusioned with a dead-end job and a suffocating relationship with his girlfriend (Jennifer Devereaux). On a quest for enlightenment, he takes a road trip from Denver to LA with friends Mat (Chris Hayes) and Ashley (Abby Leigh).
Along highway 50 in Nevada – The Loneliest Road in America – they encounter the ravages of the mining industry that has left skeletons of once-prosperous towns in its wake. Against this backdrop, Jamie confronts the recognition that freedom and exploitation are inextricably linked and that his own personal relationship have followed the same road.
The Loneliest Road in America is a lost highway that passes between Ely and Fallon Nevada. This story follows Jamie as he leaves his girlfriend to travel with Matt and Ashley to Hollywood. During the trip, they hit this stretch of highway and they learn that the people in these communities were abandoned by Corporate America as most of the mines were sold. writer/director-Mardana Mayginnes. photographer-Tony McGrath, Producer Corrin Jade Rueger. Cast: Colin Day, Abby Leigh, and Chris Hayes.
25 years ago, Life magazine immortalized a stretch of U.S. Route 50 than runs through Nevada as "The Loneliest Road in America." The nickname stuck. Ghost towns, cemeteries, mountains, railroad tracks and remnants of the Pony Express Trail flash by drivers headed along Route 50. These images burned themselves into the brain of artist Lloyd Brown, who grew up traveling the highway on visits between his parents in Fillmore, Utah, and Reno, Nevada. The long trips on the lonely road as a child later influenced his artistic vision. "The long vistas taught me to see instability," Brown says. His landscapes, dominated by the intersection of expansive swaths of sky and concrete, bring to mind an old Robert Earl Keen song: "The road goes on forever, and the party never ends.
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