Friday, April 2, 2010

Online Watch The Square English Thriller Movie 2010 Trailer Download Free Review Cast and Crew photos mp3

English Thriller Movie The Square 2010

Cast And Crew
Actor:    Joel Edgerton, Anthony Hayes, David Roberts, Claire Van Der Bloom
Director:   Nash Edgerton
Screenwriter:   Joel Edgerton, Matthew Dabner
Genre:   Drama, Thriller
Release Date: April 09, 2010
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Distributor: Blue-Tongue Films
Runtime: 105 min

The Square English Film Synopsis :
Escaping the monotony of a loveless marriage, Raymond becomes entangled in an affair with the beautiful and troubled Carla. Ray's moral limits are tested when Carla presents him with the proceeds of her controlling husband's latest crime. This is their chance: Take the money and run. If only it were that The Square  English Hollywood Film The film Directed by  Nash Edgerton.
The seed is planted and Ray, fearing he will lose his love, engineers the plan. Hiring a professional arsonist becomes a fatal error, and the plan goes horribly wrong. Alarm bells sound and suspicions are raised, but miraculously, the dust looks to settle. After all... Nobody knows. Then the first blackmail note arrives.
The couple's nerves are tested as both Carla's husband and the mystery author threaten to throw open their secret. With the blackmailer's deadline approaching they are going to find out just how far they are willing to go for love 
Romantic movie movie story Hollywood movie online online movie trailer Comedy Movie movie review English movie online.

Movie Reviews :
Psychologists and sociologists have been telling us so often that the Christmas season causes depression that we tend to believe this: easy enough if you personally find this true. There’s another minus to Christmas week, the opposite side of depression’s coin: that’s anxiety. In Nash Edgerton’s directorial debut, “The Square” features a fairly large number of people who may celebrate Santa’s season outdoors on a warm evening in suburban Sydney, Australia, but there’s no way they’re going to eat, drink and be merry for long.
“The Square” may remind cinephiles of Sam Raimi’s “A Simple Plan,” in which two brothers and a friend find four million dollars in the cockpit of a plane, a find that they’d wish they had never uncovered. In this Downunder evocation of the quote “Be careful what you wish for,” the plot opens with a bang, so to speak, as Ray (David Roberts) conducts in his car a segment of his long-standing affair with Carla (Claire van der Boom). Carla is married to a small-time, bearish criminal, Greg Smith (Anthony Hayes), who seems oblivious to what’s going on between his wife and the neighbor across the lake. When Carla discovers a bag full of money in her husband’s attic hiding place, she concocts a plan to steal it all, thereby allowing her to run away with Ray, employing Billy (scripter Joel Edgerton), an arsonist, to burn down the house thereby hiding the loss from her husband.
Carla plays Eve to Ray’s Adam this time, but there’s more than one snake in the grass in this working-class/middle-class ‘burb of Australia’s largest city. Quite a few people have secrets, whether they be adulterous relationships, outright criminal actions, blackmail, or kickback schemes. The plot becomes thick and twisty as the men and women run their power plays, coordinating plans with working-class accents that make some dialogue almost as difficult to understand as the Scottish banter in “Trainspotting.”

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