English Drama Movie Nothing Personal 2010
Cast And Crew
Cast : Tom Charlfa,Fintan Halpenny,
Ann Marie Horan,Sean McRonnel,
Stephen Rea ,Lotte Verbeek
Director: Urszula Antoniak
Writer: Urszula Antoniak (scriptwriter) Contact:
Release Date: USA 13 January 2010
Genre: Drama
Runtime: Argentina:85 min (Mar del Plata Film Festival)
Country: Ireland | Netherlands
Alone in her empty flat, from her window Anne observes the people passing by who nervously snatch up the personal belongings and pieces of furniture she has put out on the pavement. Her final gesture of taking a ring off her finger signals she is leaving her previous life in Holland behind. She goes to Ireland, where she chooses to lead a solitary, wandering existence, striding through the austere landscapes of Connemara. During her travels, she discovers a house that is home to a hermit, Martin. English movie online Hollywood movie online Comedy movie Romantic movie online movie trailer movie review movie story free Nothing Personal English Hollywood Film The film Directed by Urszula Antoniak.

Movie Reviews :
A very promising cinema debut. Though most of it is set on the Irish West coast, the whole film has an Eastern European feel to it: sparse dialog, little music, beautiful still shots of landscape and interiors and relentlessly grim weather. I don't find the choice of location at all artificial. If you want to get away from one of the most densely populated countries in the world on a budget, the West of Ireland doesn't seem such a bad choice.
This is a film not so much about loneliness, but about being alone. While the female lead clearly had a very negative experience before the story begins (loss of a loved one or traumatic end of a relationship?), one senses that her being alone in this remote corner of Europe is something she deliberately chose and eventually prefers. It seems male viewers have problems with her arrogance and rudeness, while women (including yours truly) find her strong and full of character. Stephen Rea provides a perfect match for her impulsive behaviour and injects a gentle sense of humour. Fortunately their developing 'relationship' avoids romantic clichés.

I like films that leave you guessing about the characters' inner thoughts, motives and actions. Combined with the powerful imagery, it makes this one linger in the mind long after the house lights have switched on. Although I found the last scene puzzling and out of place and while the storyline might have been tightened up here and there, I am certainly keen to see what Urszula Antoniak comes up with in her next project.
Die junge Holländerin Anne (Lotte Verbeek, Nominierung: European Shooting Star 2010) entflieht ihrem Alltag und trampt nach Irland. Dort trifft sie den älteren Intellektuellen Martin (Stephen Rea, „Crying Game), der allein auf einer kleinen Halbinsel in Connemara lebt. Die Beiden gehen eine Zweckgemeinschaft ein: Arbeit gegen Essen. Einzige Bedingung: Kein persönlicher Kontakt. Doch Anne und Martin werden neugierig aufeinander. In der traumhaften westirischen Landschaft entwickelt sich eine ganz eigene Liebesgeschichte.
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