Saturday, May 22, 2010

Online Watch 13m² French Movie 2010 Watch Free France 13m² Film Trailer,Download,Review Cast

French Crime Movie 13m² 2010

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Cast And Crew

Cast:Barthelemy Grossmann, Lucien Jean-Baptiste, Youssef Hajdi, Thierry Lhermitte, Berenice Bejo, Alain Figlarz, Eric Savin
Director: Barthelemy Grossmann
Classification: U
Genre: Thriller / Drama / Crime
General Release Date: 13 May 2010
Running Time: 1 Hour 24 Minutes,
Distributor: Golden Screen Cinemas

Jose is looking for a way out of his small time banlieue deals. When he overhears a conversation between.

Hollywood movie online English movie online Comedy movie Romantic movie online movie movie movie review movie story free 13m² French Hollywood Film The film Directed by Barthelemy Grossmann.

13m² French Movie Synopsis :
Jose (Barthelemy Grossmann) is looking for a way out of his small time banlieue deals. When he overhears the conversation between his girlfriend and his stepbrother, a lucrative way comes to his mind. Together with his two best friends, they decide to ambush an armoured vehicle carrying plenty of cash. The whole ambush went downhill, forcing them to hide in a bunker measuring 13 square meters, where they have to test their friendship and their motivations as every movement outside the bunker triggers even more paranoia.

13m² French Film Reviews :
Great "social cinema". Just narrating the facts, neither glorifying nor condemning the characters, just the facts.
Beautiful urban views, then make nice what it's not. The sparsely used classical score only underlines part of what is missing. Music itself is very well chosen, it goes very well with the mood.
Violence is there. Real, without much "sense" or "meaning". Mistakes are made, thiefs are stolen, the public/ "the people" is dumb buy sympa. Thierry and Berenice are great supporting actors. It's no wonder that "Jose" also wrote AND directed it! "Bagnolet" should be part of city tours, so that us naive tourists don't believe Paris is only the shiny spots :).
Barthélemy looks the part. He reminds me of an Argentine actor, Rodrigo De la Serna, in "Okupas", another (very) gritty story. Both actors aren't big and mean in the American sense. They look desperate, their empty stare tells you they could do whatever, because they stopped caring. Whether it's "nature or culture" is up to the viewer to decide.
The reason why I decided to watch this was because of the rather intriguing premise, but what was delivered fell short on some accounts, and seemed to overstretch itself without enough fuel to run a full feature.
Written, directed and starring Barthelemy Grossmann in the lead role of small time thug Jose, we learn that he's being hunted by much bigger fish because of money owed, and being down and out and always on the run doesn't bode well in keeping a girlfriend (Berenice Bejo) constantly waiting. He overhears her conversation with her brother, an armed security escort, talking about the security exposures of his armoured vehicle, and hatches a plan to steal a cool 2 million Euros within.
Since this is not a heist movie, we don't see that action sequence at all, except following the event through voice-overs, and learn that the plan has gone a little awry. Together with his collaborators Farouk (Lucien Jean-Baptiste) and Reza (Youssef Hajdi), they stay off the radar of both their community and the police in a 13m2 sized hideout, hence the title.
The film then becomes what it actually is, an examination of trust and that honour amongst thieves, as they bicker about the money, the event that transpired, and if you'd like, it became a postmortem of sorts, looking into the personalities of each character, and leaving you to guess who would likely bail out of their fragile bonds. There's tremendous money at stake, weapons in place, and a relatively foolproof plan that would work if they execute it accordingly. And that means they must last the hibernation and one another's guts for an extended period of time. But we know that human nature will dictate that rules will be broken, and tensions rising because it's winner takes all should someone determine that they have the upper hand over the others.

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