Sunday, May 2, 2010

Online Watch Solitary Man English Comedy Movie 2010 Trailer Download Free Review Cast and Crew photos mp3

English Comedy Movie Solitary Man 2010

Cast And Crew
Starring:: Jenna Fischer,
Michael Douglas,
Jesse Eisenberg,Susan Sarandon,
Mary-Louise Parker
Director:Brian Koppelman,
David Levien
Writer:Brian Koppelman
Studio:Anchor Bay Films
Genre:Comedy, Drama
Release Date:May 7th, 2010

Solitary Man English Movie Synopsis :
I attended the World Premiere of "Solitary Man" at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival. This is clearly a vehicle for Michael Douglas and fans will fall in love with the film. It's hard to imagine these names as supporting cast members but Douglas is joined by Mary Louise Parker,
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Danny Devito, Jesse Eisenberg, Susan Sarandon, and Jenna Fischer. These wonderful actors could have been used to a greater extent and I found myself wanting more ensemble interaction, but kudos to all for being willing to take a back seat to Douglas. Written by Brian Koppelman and co-directed by Koppelman and David Levien, "Solitary Man" is chock full of dialogue and essentially a one-man show.

Solitary Man hit home for me in a few ways. First of all, the stellar cast was in fact...stellar. Michael Douglas is in top form with a role he's familiar with on screen. Michael's character grows on us as a wise, go-get tum, never-mind-the-bollix attitude that we love to see in ourselves. Deep down however, it's apparent he's reaching for his youth.
He befriends a young character (Jesse Eisenberg) advising him about college, love and zest for life, but when things begin to fall apart in his own life, he's forced himself to finally make a decision to face the challenges of his own not so youthful life. Only Michael Douglas could pull this off IMHO. He carries his character in such a way that we still care about him, even after his rather devious actions. The film really could be considered a vehicle for Michael, being in almost every scene, yet there stands Danny DeVito, Susan Sarandon, Marie Louise Parker, Jesse Eisenberg, etc to support this fine film.

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