Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Philosopher Kings Hollywood Movie 2010

Cast And Crew
Cast:Cast: Custodial staff from several top universities
Director:Patrick Shen
Producer: Patrick Shen
Executive Producers:C.H. Hsueh, Haily Hsueh,
Paul Kim, and Patrick Pai
Associate Producers:Scott Shamansky and Nicole Wright
Cinematography By:Patrick Pai and Patrick Shen
Edited By: Patrick Shen
Genres: Culture & Society [nf]
Release: 2010 05 12 (USA - Limited)
Run Time: 70 min.

Plot Synopsis:
1) In search of wisdom found in unlikely places, The Philosopher Kings takes us on a journey through the halls of the most prestigious colleges and universities in America to learn from the staff members who see it all and have been through it all: the custodians. This thought-provoking, feature-length documentary interweaves the untold stories of triumph and tragedy from the members of society who are often disregarded and ignored, and seeks out the kind of wisdom that gets you through the day and the lessons one learns from surviving hard times, lost loves, and shattered dreams.
From the producers of the multiple-award winning Flight from Death, The Philosopher Kings gives us the opportunity to learn from eight incredible individuals whom we would never have otherwise taken a moment out of our day to acknowledge.
"A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study."  ~ Chinese Proverb
2) Filmmaker Patrick Shen profiles a handful of intelligent, thoughtful people who work at noted institutions of learning but are never asked to stand behind a lectern in this documentary. In an effort to demonstrate that remarkable minds can be found in all walks of life, Shen traveled to several major universities and spent some time with the custodial staff, and in The Philosopher Kings he introduces viewers to eight people who have as many intelligent, insightful things to say as anyone on the faculty, but are often ignored by the students and visitors. Corby Baker works at the Cornish College of the Arts and is an artist himself, drawing inspiration from the creative atmosphere of the school. Oscar Dantzler sweeps up at Duke University's campus chapel, and draws a deep spiritual satisfaction from spending his days in a house of the Lord. Luis Cardenas was on the cleaning crew at the California Institute of Technology when he was in an auto accident that cost him his right arm and left him with brain damage, though less than a year later he was back on the job, learning his tasks over again and discovering what life can really mean. Josue Lajeunesse cleans up at Princeton University in the morning and drives a cab in the evening; the Haitian expatriate uses the money to support 15 family members living in poverty and help pay for water treatment facilities in his home village. Melinda Augustus of the University of Florida tells the story of her mother, who fell into a coma while giving birth to her 15th child; Melinda was only nine at the time, and spent the next 11 years helping to care for a parent who could not leave her bed. Cornell University's Gary Napieracz and Jim Evener are both Vietnam veterans whose days on the field of battle taught them some important lessons about survival and working with others. And Michael Seals, a custodian at the University of California at Berkeley, speaks frankly about the many wrong turns he took as a husband and father before he took stock of himself and regained the trust of those closest to him. The Philosopher Kings was an official selection at the 2009 Silverdocs Film Mark Deming

Movie Infomation:

Patrick Shen (Director/Producer)  made his feature directorial debut in 2003 with the critically-acclaimed Flight from Death: The Quest for Immortality  which was hailed by critics as being "one of the most ambitious films ever made" and "one of the best films of the year". Beautifully photographed in eight countries and three years in the making, Flight from Death was awarded seven "Best Documentary" awards at film festivals all over the United States and was released domestically in 2005. Just recently he completed work on Change Your Life!, a feature comedy, which he co-directed and edited, about the shady world of pyramid schemes and the pursuit of effortless prosperity starring Tony Plana ("Ugly Betty", Three Amigos, JFK) and Taylor Negron (Fast Times at Ridgemont High).

Greg Bennick (Producer) is the multi award-winning creative mind responsible for a number of critically-acclaimed projects which explore the human experience. As a producer and writer, Greg's first film was "Flight from Death: The Quest For Immortality", a seven-time 'Best Documentary' award-winning film narrated by Gabriel Byrne (HBO's "In Treatment", The Usual Suspects, Vanity Fair) which uncovers death anxiety as a possible root cause of many of our violent and aggressive behaviors. Flight From Death has been screened throughout the world and is currently used in over a hundred colleges and universities as a means of initiating discussions on aggression and how to curb violence worldwide. Greg is currently at work on a trilogy of films which explore the potential of people in numerous countries to endure, process, and survive experiences of overwhelming suffering.

Nathan Matthew David's (Composer) music has been heard in film festivals around the world. His credits include work on the award-winning feature documentary "Children of the War" (Hijos de la Guerra), the award-winning feature narrative "The Lost Coast", the upcoming feature "The Afterlight" (Rip Torn, Michael Kelly), as well as many other feature films and short films. His work to date showcases a very personal and intimate approach to each story, which has effectively translated into highly unique and evocative scores.

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