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IRON MAN 2 was pretty hard on Iron Man's last solo game. I ranted about the "next-gen" versions of the game being bogged down in ridiculous enemies, a radar that was nearly impossible to read, and the general lack of feeling like I was actually Iron Man. I dropped a 3.8 on the games and even doubled backed to list five steps SEGA could take to make sure the next title doesn't suck.
After playing every version of Iron Man 2 this morning, it app
ears SEGA listened to me… and the thousands of other Shellhead fans who were disappointed two years ago.
Don't take that as a blanket statement. There are still things that irked me about the Iron Man titles I played today, but there is some good stuff going on here. For starters, the porting problem appears to have been halted. Iron Man 2 on the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 is its own game, Iron Man 2 on the Wii/PSP is its own game, and Iron Man 2 on the DS is its own game. Every version shares the same story, but it is not pulled from the movie. This tale takes place in the movie universe, but it's not rehashing the big screen version, and it's written by Invincible Iron Man scribe Matt Fraction. On top of that, Samuel L. Jackson and Don Cheadle are on hand to voice their characters (Nick Fury and Rhodes if you're a noob), and although Robert Downey Jr. isn't voicing Tony Stark this time around, Eric Loomis – the voice of Iron Man from the animated flicks – is on hand to give a really good performance from the little I got to see today.
Basically, there's hope for this game, folks.
Watch new Iron Man 2 footage and listen to Lamb of God.
Like I said, each game shares the same story, so every demo began with bad guys from Roxxon busting into a Stark compound and trying to steal the backup files for Jarvis, Tony's right hand, robo-butler. From there, things got different.
Before I even got into the first level of Iron Man 2, SEGA representatives asked me what I hated about Iron Man. I mentioned flight controls, the controller-hurling level of difficulty as the screen filled with bad guys, and the fact that I didn't feel like I was a superhero.
Their response was, "Good, we fixed all that."
I only got through about two missions in this version, so whether or not everything is ironed out in Iron Man 2 remains to be seen, but I can tell you that I did have fun wailing on bad guys as Tony Stark and I'm anxious to dive into the upgrade system SEGA has created.
However, the first thing I noticed about this version of Iron Man 2 was that the visuals weren't up to snuff. Sure, this is preview code and not the final release, but Tony Stark's head and body are blocky, Rhodes' eyes look weird, and one of the backgrounds for the sky I was flying in front of looked all sorts of pixilated. Usually I'd save that kind of criticism for the end of a preview – you know, talk about the stuff that excites me first – but this was my off-the-cuff first impression.
Man vs. Tank: Round 2.
Still, the thing is, I didn't really mind the visuals. I wish they were sharper, sure, but I found myself getting caught up in the story and action more than pissing and moaning about how things looked. The scene I saw of Stark and Rhodes clowning around was great, and when Sam Jackson popped up to deliver his Fury lines, he sounds natural. Frankly, I'm sick of big names phoning in vocal performances in games, and these three sounded spot-on in the section I saw.
Now, the game actually opens on a bit of a down note. Like I said, it starts with Roxxon trying to steal Jarvis, so Stark has to fly into his own compound and take on his own gadgets that have been turned against him. As this gets going, the bad guys unleash an electromagnetic pulse that takes out all of the tech and knocks Iron Man offline. The hero begins having a heart attack and can't get Jarvis back online. From there, you get the flashback movie I was just complimenting for sounding great, and then, you're back to Iron Man dying on the floor. The hero gets the machine running, and slowly your abilities start coming online – slow enough that you're getting the hang of it in typical tutorial fashion.
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