Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps English Movie 2010
Thriller Movie
Cast And Crew
Cast : Shia LaBeouf ,Carey Mulligan,Josh Brolin,Charlie Sheen,Michael Douglas,Susan Sarandon,Eli Wallach,Frank Langella,Vanessa Ferlito
Director: Oliver Stone
Writers (WGA):Allan Loeb (written by) andStephen Schiff (written by) ...
Runtime: 127 min | 136 min
Release Date: May 2010
Genre : Thriller,Drama
English movie online Hollywood movie online Comedy movie Romantic movie online movie trailer movie review movie story free Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps English Hollywood Film The film Directed by Oliver Stone. As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader's mentor.
movie reviews :
With his most recent films being a low-key drama about 9/11 and a film sympathizing with George W. Bush, people have been wondering if director Oliver Stone ("JFK," "Nixon," "Platoon") is losing his bite. This April, Stone returns with his latest film and the first sequel of his career, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps." The film, a follow-up to his acclaimed and iconic '80s film "Wall Street," reintroduces us its main villain Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) following his release from prison 23 years after the first film. The sequel makes him more of an anti-hero, and the film follows him as he struggles to help fix a struggling stock market, reconnect with his daughter (Carey Mulligan), and help her boyfriend (Shia LaBeouf) get revenge on the man who is responsible for his mentor's death.
The teaser trailer has been released, and it looks like a pretty solid film. I'm one of very few out there who hasn't seen the original "Wall Street" (don't ask me why, I love Stone, I just somehow haven't gotten to it yet), but the sequels seems to take an entirely different approach, focusing more on relationships, adjusting to a new generation, and the failing economy. The stock market troubles are definitely more in line with Stone's typical subject matter than any of the other things he's been doing lately, and though I actually really liked it'll be interesting to see him return to his more dark and hard-hitting satire.

Douglas is joined by Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin and Carey Mulligan, rounding out a pretty fantastic cast, and Brolin portraying the villain of the film is especially exciting. This will definitely be a real return to form for Douglas as well, who hasn't really done anything significant lately.
If everything falls into place, this could very well be one of Stone's best in a long time and one of the best films of the year.
"Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" will be released April 23, 2010.
Efter 23 år vender Michael Douglas tilbage i sin Oscar-vindende rolle som en af filmhistoriens bedste mesterskurke – finansmanden Gordon Gekko. Endnu engang instrueres filmen af den tredobbelte Oscar-vinder, Oliver Stone. Wall Street 2 starter, hvor Wall Street sluttede – i fængslet. Gekko kommer ud og finder sig selv isoleret fra den verden, han engang selv dominerede. Han forsøger at genoptage forholdet til sin datter (Carey Mulligan), og må derfor alliere sig med hendes forlovede, Jacob (spillet af Shia LaBeouf). Forholdet mellem de to mænd udvikler sig i takt med, at Jacob mere og mere ser Gekko som en faderfigur. Gekko er stadig fræk som en slagterhund – og ikke mindst en sand mester i manipulation – og Jacob må derfor på den hårde måde sande, at fængslet hverken har gjort Gekko specielt blid …eller lovlydig.
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