Monday, May 24, 2010
Watch ‘Hooperz' Malay Movie Free Trailer Download Review Overview
Hooperz Malay Movie 2010
Sports Movie
Cast And Crew
Starring: Zazleen Zulkafli, Melissa Maureen, Mustapha Kamal, Remy Ishak, Amy Mastura
Directed by: Rosihan Zain
Local Distributor: Primeworks Studios
Release Date:22 Apr 2010
Language: Malay
Running Time: 109 mins
Rating: U
Genre: Comedy / Sports
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Movie Plot:
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Movie Plot
Hooperz tells the story of a group of students who play netball. The variation of characters and background in the team assembled makes for an interesting story. The netball court becomes escape from their everyday routines. They all come together as a netball team called Hooperz. Throughout all the challenges that they face, nothing can deter them from the reaching finals of the Annual Netball Championships.
Movie Synopsis
Seven girls and a netball game - sounds interesting, yes? A newcomer to the film industry, Intan Nor Saina plays the lead role together with Rosihan Zain and Sheikh Munasar promising something different then what is normally seen on the silver screen.
Movie Review
To the uninitiated, netball is like its more galmourised cousin, basketball, but without the bruising body contact, gravity-defying slam-dunks and the multi-billion dollar marketing support. It involves more restraint and a more strictly defined role for each player.
Restraint? Really strict rules? No body contact? Such a girly game!
Well yes, as a matter of fact, it is a game for girls. However, make no mistake, netball is no lame sport. It requires a whole lot of discipline, teamwork and strategy - all the things that's demanded from any athlete playing any sport.
Unfortunately, not much exposure is given to the sport in Malaysia, compared to other team sports like football and hockey, hence, other than within the compounds of schools and colleges, netball is only enjoyed by the hardcore fans.
So if you're a fan of the game and would like to go down the memory lane with your own stories of playing or watching netball in the old days, you'll find a connection to Primeworks Studios (Grand Brilliance) latest effort, Hooperz.
The story does revolve around the sport, but to those unfamiliar with the many rules and regulations, worry not, as the focus is actually on the ties that bind a group of netball players as they try to win the inter-varsity championship.
However, to help 'get' the story in Hooperz easier (and not have you going 'Huh?' all the time), here's our simplified explanation of netball: There are only two people allowed to net the ball and they are called Goal Shooter (GS) and Goal Attack (GA). To stop these two players from scoring are the Goal Defence (GD) and the Goal Keeper (GK). The rest of the team is supposed to stop their opponents from scoring.
Of course, even without this little knowledge of netball, you can still appreciate the underlying stories of Hooperz because besides the sport lies a nice story of love, team work and growing up with the seven players of the netball team called Hooperz.
Each Hooperz player is good at what they do, but without team work and unity, the team dynamics cause them bad results in the court.
This pains their coach, Coach Q (played by Amy Mastura), especially when not even one of the seven girls really want to listen to her coaching, preferring to focus on their own selfish needs and issues
As the movie centres around netball - a sport that is not so popular with the masses compared to other sports like futsal, football or even bowling, so how does Dawn think the viewers will and can relate to the movie, especially the guys?
"Netball is a game that most girls in Malaysia were required to play, at least in primary school. Most females here can somehow relate this film to their own experiences playing netball in school, regardless to whether they are fans of the game or not," said Dawn.
"I also feel some of the other "mass" sports like football are a bit overdone. We are attempting something a bit different, yet still appealing to the audiences.
It's not all about netball but rather, the lives and relationships of these seven girls. This, coupled with having an all-female cast in the film might help get the male crowds in, especially those who are game for something light-hearted and fun."
If you're a fan of Gol & Gincu, Bend It Like Beckham, She's The Man and Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, you might enjoy Hooperz.
It's not a big CGI-laden production like Shaolin Soccer, Mighty Ducks, Like Mike'or Space Jam that makes the action simply unbelievable. Hooperz and the cast stayed true to the old school way of scoring nothing but the net - by really playing the game..
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