Saturday, August 21, 2010

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English movie online Bollywood movie online Comedy movie Romantic movie online movie movie movie review movie story free The Descent 2 English English Film The film Directed by Jon Harris

The Descent: Part 2 English Movie 2009
Horror Movie
Cast & Crew

Director: Jon Harris
Producers: Christian Colson, Ivanna Mackinnon and Neil Marshall (Executive Producer)
Writers: James Watkins, J. Blakeson and James McCarthy
Actors: Shauna MacDonald, Natalie Mendoza, Krysten Cummings, Joshua Dallas, Gavan O’Herlihy and Anna Skellern.
Release Date: 19 November 2009
Genre: Horror/Suspens

The Plot:
Romantic movie movie story online movie trailer movie review Comedy Movie hollywood movie online movie english movie online The Descent: Part 2 picks up immediately after the events of the first film. Sarah (Shauna MacDonald) emerges alone from a cave system following an expedition with her five friends in the Appalachian Mountains. Distraught, injured and covered in the blood of her missing companions, she is incoherent and half-wild with fear. Skeptical about her account of the events and convinced that her psychosis hides far darker secrets, Sheriff Vaines forces her back into the caves to help locate the rest of the group. Trapped by falling rocks, the rescue party is driven deep into the caverns, and one by one the fate of the missing girls is revealed. Sarah struggles to stay alive and once again encounters the evil in the deep. However will she manage to escape back to the daylight?
The Descent: Part 2 Hollywood film.The film Directed by Jon Harris .

The Descent: Part 2 Hollywood Movie Review :

A virtual retread of the first film, Descent Deux picks up almost immediately after the end of Neil Marshall’s excellent original. A rescue operation is mounted to try to discover what happened to the missing “six chicks with picks” three days after their disappearance down an Appalachian cave.

‘Course last thing we knew four of them had been killed by the “Crawlers” with the last two remaining survivors Juno (Natalie Jackson Mendoza) and Sarah (Shauna MacDonald) still trapped somewhere. So to suddenly find out Sarah escaped and has emotional “amnesia” comes as something of a deus ex machina. But then I guess that’s because us Limeys didn’t get the alternate ending like they did in the States.


Dragged back down the caves by the dastardly Sheriff (Gavan O’Herlihy) to aid the rescue team despite her current condition, Sarah is forced to reface her nightmares and hopefully regain her survival instincts swiftly as a whole new set of unsuspecting spelunkers are set upon by albino flesh-hungry terrors.

An entirely superfluous sequel with many scenes cribbed wholesale from Marshall’s viscerally scary original, The Descent 2 avoids direct-to-rental ignominy by attempting to organically further the existing story rather than just rehashing the premise with a new set of Crawler-fodder. As many other cash-hungry horror continuations do.

That being said the return of MacDonald as survivor Sarah is needless and hurtful to the credibility of the film. Why couldn’t her whereabouts just be unknown? It would have been much better than the horrible, overused, convenient, soap opera plot device of amnesia.

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