Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kelly Brook sexy photos | Kelly Brook biography | Kelly Brook Nude Photos

Kelly Brook sexy photos | Kelly Brook biography | Kelly Brook Nude Photos

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Kelly Brook could be peddling a steaming pile of sh*t and we would at least contemplate taking home a little chunk…so long as she was trying to sell it as naked as she is in the latest ads for Reebok in London. Check out more photos after the jump.

The lovely Kelly was in London to debut her new billboard for Reebok. Sounds uneventful? Well that’s until you get a look at Kelly rocking some super tight spandex leggings as she unveils her naked ad. With just sneakers and a smile, Kelly manages to make Reebok the most awesome brand ever. Nice work! We have a feeling that Reebok will be keeping this hottie on its payroll for a while to come.

  • Born: 23 November 1979
  • Birthplace: Rochester, Kent, England
  • Best Known As: Model-turned-actor from The Big Breakfast and Smallville
Name at birth: Kelly Anne Parsons
Kelly Brook is a model and television personality from the United Kingdom whose brief 1999 stint on the morning TV show The Big Breakfast propelled her into the world of celebrity. Brook began her professional career as a teen model. On television she has had gigs on The Big Breakfast (1999) and MTV Select, and her physical attributes have made her a favorite in men's magazines ("lad's mags"). Her budding acting career has included a regular role on TV's Smallville and appearances in the feature films Absolon (2003, with Ron Perlman) and The Italian Job (2003, with Mark Wahlberg).


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