Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lady Gaga with thong and machine gun breasts: 10 reasons you have to love/hate GaGa

Lady Gaga with thong and machine gun breasts: 10 reasons you have to love/hate GaGa


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Lady Gaga, almost nude, only a thong and machine gun breasts.
Always at the center of controversy, you have to love or hate her, nothing in between
  1. Gaga’s going to be a legend. She will defiantly still be here in 5 years, sorry to break it to you
  2. She is a beautiful and talented woman
  3. I think she’s slutty haha what can I say, But I like her music, love to dance to it..
  4. I feel she’s pretty unique from what we have in our industry, She’s a bit insane with style and outfits too.
  5. Her voice? at first I thought it was all computers, but then I saw a couple of videos of her at her shows and wow, she’s actually very talented. Her voice is very good.
  6. Lady Gaga has taken the music world by storm and shows no sign of stopping. In the space of 6 years shes managed to eclipse the success of every pop artist in the last decade.
  7. I guess it is her liberal values and creativity that has launched her into global superstardom
  8. I feel a lot of female artists are intimated by Gaga and some are so jealous of her.
  9. Gaga set the bar high and she is so good at everything (music, videos, fashion, live performance). She is an all-round grassroot artist and she is so dedicated to her profession.
  10. She is very talented, creative, innovative and visual so it will be so difficult for other artists to catch up with her.  She is getting bigger and bigger everyday and unstoppable


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