Monday, December 28, 2009

Online Watch French Comedy Movie It's Not Me I Swear Download Free Trailer Review Photos Cast Crew

French Comedy Movie It's Not Me I Swear 2009

Cast And Crew

Cast: Antoine L'Ecuyer, Suzanne Clement, Daniel Briere,
Catherine Faucher, Gabriel Maille, Jules Philip, Micheline Bernard,
Jean Maheaux, Denis Gravereaux, Evelyne Rompre

Director: Philippe Falardeau
Classification: NA
Genre: Comedy
General Release Date: 31 Dec 2009
Running Time :Canada:105 min
Distributor: Golden Village Pictures

It's Not Me I Swear French Film Synopsis :

Leon is ten years old, has lots of problems and an overly fertile imagination. Of course, there is Mom and Dad who are always fighting, and those annoying neighbours who get to spend the summer at the beach. Then, there's Lea, the exasperating girl who's always right about everything. In the summer of 1968, when Mom decides to leave everything behind to start a new life in Greece, Leon is prepared to do anything to kill the pain.Destroy the neighbors' house, become a professional liar and even, why not, fall in love with Lea. Together, they will overcome the pain of growing up when you feel abandoned, Watch online Movie Trailer free It's Not Me I Swear Hollywood film.The film Directed by Philippe Falardeau.

Film Review :

This movie has just won the 'Silver Bear' award at the Berlin Film Festival in the 'Generation' section. The award is well deserved. The charismatic young lead actor who terrorises his neighbours and family carriesthe film on his slight shoulders. It is cleverly structured with laughter and tears throughout. The dialogue is sharp and witty and the characters well drawn. On a more serious notethe film highlights the severe problems disturbed youngsters left to their own devices can have. Another reviewer compared it to 'Home Alone' but it is much deeper and (with a suicide attempt) far darker than the American comedy. Filmed in Canada with French dialogue it deserves to be seen by a much wider audience. Strongly recommended!

The movie gives us so much character development and processes it rather amazingly over the 2 hours the film goes on, it's one of the few movies thus far to really get a connection with your characters. Leon and Lea are not perfect, they are down right evil, but there intentions are pure. Leon stealing from other peoples houses to get a ticket to fly to Greece to see his mother whom abandoned him. And Lea trying to find her father, who has been on a business trip for over 2 years. None of them are perfect but, you still feel for them, and get attached, hoping for the best.
By the end of the movie you smile knowing that, Leon has kept one thing for himself: Hope. That even though a lot has happened in his life he can change, and hope for the better, hope for a new change on himself, hope to one day see his mother once again.

The film has so much and without spoiling every little detail, this is one I recommend to buy, it's not a perfect film, there is no such word for a film, but it is unique, amazing and touching. A pure gem. And the acting is done so well so real, it puts to shame anything Hollywood has put together.

For the reviewer who stated that this film is like Home Alone, I ask this, when in home alone did his parents divorce, or he vandalize a whole house, or cut himself and lie to to keep an alibi, or even swear. This movie is nothing like Home alone this is a masterpiece and is no John Hughes family comedy, this would be the Coen brothers take on Home Alone if anything. This Movie Links With Review Thousands of people think same so download and watch movies whenever and wherever they want. With the advent of internet , it has become much easier to watch free online movies. There are thousands of free movie download sites,Search In allowing you to download any movie with highest quality and also with full speed Youtube With Thanks.

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