Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trailer Alerts | A Russian Dubbed Elle Fanning And A Completely Unrecognizable John Turturro Anchor NUTCRACKER 3D

A Russian Dubbed Elle Fanning And A Completely Unrecognizable John Turturro Anchor NUTCRACKER 3D

Continental Europe & Russia, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

What has the director of Tango And Cash - a horrible tag to put on a man who also wrote Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev, I grant you - been up to lately? How about directing a 3D, Hungarian backed, ninety million dollar answer to the sort of kids' fantasy films being produced by Walden Media?

The picture is known in English simply as Nutcracker 3D, though the more literal translation is Nutcracker And The Rat King and if this has any serious connection to the classic Nutcracker then my memory must be fuzzy because I don't remember any steam powered flying machines in that.

This is a perplexing one, to put it mildly, a film that appears destined to lose great big gobs of money. Why on earth are John Turturro - as the titular Rat King - Elle Fanning and Nathan Lane in this film? Did producers seriously believe that the trio would give them the star power to drive a theatrical release outside of Russia and Eastern Europe? Because - news flash! - they won't.

That said, once you get past the bits that are obviously pandering and talking down to the children it craves as the primary audience, there's some damn cool stuff in here. Stuff I wish wasn't in a movie where a CGI nut cracker is a lead character. Check it below.


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